Friday, August 10, 2012

You Are Dying

Let me be perfectly clear about this delicate matter so dear to the heart of God. You are dying. Like the 90 year old trying to live to see another birthday, you began dying the moment you drew your first breath. As loved ones celebrated hearing the first whine from your voice, even as they rejoiced, Death marked your last day, your appointed time. No matter who you are, no matter how healthy you are, no matter how happy you are, no matter how holy you are or are not, you are dying, all day, every day of your life. You and I were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. We were each at enmity with God. Although we were doomed at birth, God thought that we were worth saving. So He sent Jesus to Earth to redeem us from the curse of eternal damnation in Hell. You may be dying, but God is trying to give you life eternal. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and you will be able to live forever. You may be dying today, but knowing Jesus is the way to life everlasting.

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