Friday, August 10, 2012

We All Need Christ Jesus

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life for all. The rich, the poor, the famous, as well as the infamous must all call on His name before we die. The command is the same for every man and woman who has breath. God has no other provision for salvation. We each must make a decision to confess that Jesus, the Son of God, is Lord. Mounds of money can buy most anything this life offers, but no amount of money can purchase what God felt our souls were worth. So Jesus paid our debt. Can you understand what that means? Jesus has made us debt-free, but we each must be born again. As you proceed through life's journey, thinking you have no needs because you have so much, you have no need such as your need for salvation through Jesus, the Lord. Before we die, we all need Christ Jesus, no matter how we've lived our lives before receiving His call. No matter who we think we've been, we need Him to save us from our sin because in the end, we all need Christ Jesus.

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