Wednesday, August 8, 2012

No Goodbyes

Goodbyes are for the dying. There is no such word in the eternal world of everlasting life, in the eternal world where loved ones reunite forever. Why are we trying so hard to remain here in the Land of the Dying? Our Savior and Lord, Jesus, calls us to our new eternal home. There, there are no last remains to view. There are no bodies to be lowered into tombs. There are no tears to be shed by those who knew and loved the dearly departed. For him, for her, life has just started and they have no more need for, neither can conceive of a word that conveys, "Goodbye." Why? Because "Goodbyes" are for the dying to mark their endings. New beginnings will abound for those who die in Christ. Only all that brings joy will surround those who will have eternal life. Forever has no measure for "Goodbye."

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