Friday, August 10, 2012

The Look

I hope to never forget "the look" I saw in Bruce's eyes before he took the last breath that I was blessed to witness. He was God's warrior to the bitter end. He raised up from his bed of affliction and with the same strong conviction with which he had preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he declared, "I am not scared." His words comforted me though I knew that Heaven was in his view, and it was possible that we'd never speak like this again. When I turned to leave, I cried and captured "the look" I saw in his eyes. And the memory of that look still gives me peace within. Thank you for the look, your gift. It lifts my spirit when I am sad. When my time on Earth is done, I'll give your gift to a loved one who'll need the same comfort of "the look" I saw in you.

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