Thursday, August 9, 2012

Do You Believe?

Do you believe with your whole heart or only in part that there is life after death? This issue will not tolerate regrets once you're dead. It demands a commitment before you exhale your last breath. Did Jesus or did He not die to save you from your sin? Will He or will He not come back again to welcome you into the place He has prepared for you? Do you or do you not expect to rise from your grave after death just like Jesus rose and left an empty tomb? Will Jesus or will He not present you to God without a spot or wrinkle? Have you or have you not agreed to be washed in the blood of God's Lamb, so you can be free from the penalty of sin when you die? To believe in part is the same as not believeing at all. You must believe with your whole heart in order to answer when Jesus calls your name to eternal life. Do you believe?

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