Sunday, August 12, 2012

Message From the Poet

Jesus saves. The Good News never gets boring, outdated, or powerless. The saved need to hear it because its message is refreshing, but the unsaved especially need to hear The Good News. These poems can start the conversation that can win the lost to Christ. Choose a favorite and share it prayerfully. Please obtain written permission from the author
before reproducing any poem on this site in any form. Also enjoy

Prayer Request

Pray for me, Pastor, for sin has made a disaster of my life. I know that I must some day meet the Master. Because I am not right, I am afraid. I have seen so many loved ones laid to rest, and I realize that I could be next. I hear you preach about the Savior Who brought you out of your sin. I want Him to save me too, but I fear that you cannot convince me to change. I've tried my very best to reign over my sinful flesh, but I can never pass the tests that temptations bring. Just As I Am must not mean me, for I still seem to see myself as sinful as can be. Please, Pastor, pray for Jesus to set me free. I want to be saved. Does Jesus save all who ask from their future, present, and past sins? Can my new life begin over and over and over again, like I've never sinned? Was sin's penalty paid when Christ arose from the grave? Is it true that I am forever saved, forever free?

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Great Pumping Heart

Back and forth and back again, circulating information among those whose lives are stained by sin, among the saints, as well as the saints that ain't, the Great Pumping Heart circulates information, not only about salvation for the soul, but also about salvation that leads to self-preservation in a world from which poor people must demand their rights. Like a great, pumping heart, pumping life for the flesh to live, likewise the church gives the poor community life. The Great Pumping Heart is the place for any community leader to start if he is to reach the masses. The lawyer and the man who needs a lawyer can only be found on common ground in the church or the grave. And so, the Great Pumping Heart struggles to pump life and hope to parts of its community, overweight with the insanity of violent acts of inhumanity, born out of frustration because salvation for the soul was not enough to pump. But the Church must ever remember that a little leaven, leavens the whole lump, and that Christ died for the Great Pumping Heart to pump the news of eternal life.

Forgive Me

I hope you have forgiven me, now that you have entered the place where time is measured only as forever. How I wish we could have lived here in peace making the best of our time together! Circumstances in our lives would not allow us. Instead, we used our time to fuss about things that seem so unimportant today. Oh that we may meet again and live eternally in fellowship sweet.

Keep Laughing

Even though you know that I am gone, you still desire to rush home to tell me the latest news. Come on and tell me anyway. I'll be waiting, watching, and listening for the excitement in your voice as you share the story of your choice. When you laugh, I will laugh too, the same way we laughed when neither of us cared who thought we looked and sounded foolish. Our loved ones loved watching the exchange of laughter between us. For the laughter between you and me healed us all. Do you recall how we would still away, leaving them folded over, slayed in the wake of our exhaust? Keep laughing and baffling those who wonder why it seems you never laugh alone. I am laughing with you still, even though I am gone.

Having Jesus

Who can find more joy than having Jesus? Having Jesus lets me live my life with joy. The thought of facing Death would fill each day I live with fear. But having Jesus gives me joy year after year. Who can find more peace than having Jesus? For the Bible says He is the Prince of Peace. When the problems in my life get too demanding, and my troubles seem to grow each passing day, having Jesus gives me peace that passes understanding. Who can find more love than having Jesus? For the God above sent Him to show us love. Having all the love in all the world from every man, woman, boy and girl cannot compare to the love I've found in having Jesus.

The Light Within Me

Can the darkness that surrounds me possibly be brighter than the Light I have within me? Can the power of dark days make me lose the faith I have in Him living within me? The Light that saved, saves, and will save me, the Light that saves us from our sin lives in me and shines more brightly than all the dark trouble in this whole wide world.

The Duty of the Strong

It is the duty of the strong-in-spirit to tell those who grieve to move on. Those who grieve must hear it. Otherwise, they'll think it wrong to change the direction of their heart's affection of love. Those who grieve the loss of a loved one must be reminded that they yet possess a heart that is full of love to be offered another. Don't ignore the desperate pleas of the poor in spirit who grieve. You must find the words you need to convince them to move on.

A Way Out Of No Way

Are you looking for a way to solve your problems? Are you seeking help from family and your friends? Has everyone including those with whom you do business, seen no value in the dreams you've offered them? Only God can make a way appear from nothing. Only He can make a way where there's no way at all. With man, something from nothing is impossible, but with God, nothing is impossible at all. Bring your problems and your troubles to God's altar. Pile them high. Leave them there. Just walk away. When those in trouble come to you and ask your secret, say, "Only God can make a way out of no way."

I Know Fear

I know fear. To deny it would be a lie and make me a liar. I know the fear of not knowing, like not knowing the distance my troubles were going to take me before I could escape. I know the fear of being forced to wait for the Deliverer while watching the enemy reinforce and fortify himself against me, taunting my faith. I know the fear of having no hope, except faith in the promises of a faithful God. Every time I have been at the end of my rope, I discovered my faith was all I needed. And He rescued me. To deny that I know fear would be a lie that will serve neither you nor me. But hear me when I say that Fear fears my faith in the great, faithful God within, Who always provides me a way of escape.

The Look

I hope to never forget "the look" I saw in Bruce's eyes before he took the last breath that I was blessed to witness. He was God's warrior to the bitter end. He raised up from his bed of affliction and with the same strong conviction with which he had preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he declared, "I am not scared." His words comforted me though I knew that Heaven was in his view, and it was possible that we'd never speak like this again. When I turned to leave, I cried and captured "the look" I saw in his eyes. And the memory of that look still gives me peace within. Thank you for the look, your gift. It lifts my spirit when I am sad. When my time on Earth is done, I'll give your gift to a loved one who'll need the same comfort of "the look" I saw in you.

I Need Jesus

Family members are here. My dear friends are here, but I need to hear that Jesus is near me and ready to do His part to comfort me. He is in my heart, and He will see me through this time of grief. Friend, hold my hand and wipe my tears. But understand that I know I need Jesus. For only He can calm my soul and give me peace. When my world's in trouble sister, brother, let me tell you, I know I need Jesus. For He alone can heal my hurt within.

Tell Others About Jesus

Once you get to know Jesus, tell someone else about Him. You should tell your friends, relatives, and neighbors that He will save them too. If parents just tell their children, and then live righteously before them, then their children will know that what they have heard about Jesus is so. If we would but tell our friends about how he saved us from our sins, and then watch what we say and do, there is no telling who will accept Him as Savior. Your conversation and behavior can also lead your associates and neighbors to make Jesus Lord of their lives. He who wins souls is wise. So, my wise brother, my wise sister, "Go, tell others about Jesus."

We All Need Christ Jesus

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life for all. The rich, the poor, the famous, as well as the infamous must all call on His name before we die. The command is the same for every man and woman who has breath. God has no other provision for salvation. We each must make a decision to confess that Jesus, the Son of God, is Lord. Mounds of money can buy most anything this life offers, but no amount of money can purchase what God felt our souls were worth. So Jesus paid our debt. Can you understand what that means? Jesus has made us debt-free, but we each must be born again. As you proceed through life's journey, thinking you have no needs because you have so much, you have no need such as your need for salvation through Jesus, the Lord. Before we die, we all need Christ Jesus, no matter how we've lived our lives before receiving His call. No matter who we think we've been, we need Him to save us from our sin because in the end, we all need Christ Jesus.

You Are Dying

Let me be perfectly clear about this delicate matter so dear to the heart of God. You are dying. Like the 90 year old trying to live to see another birthday, you began dying the moment you drew your first breath. As loved ones celebrated hearing the first whine from your voice, even as they rejoiced, Death marked your last day, your appointed time. No matter who you are, no matter how healthy you are, no matter how happy you are, no matter how holy you are or are not, you are dying, all day, every day of your life. You and I were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. We were each at enmity with God. Although we were doomed at birth, God thought that we were worth saving. So He sent Jesus to Earth to redeem us from the curse of eternal damnation in Hell. You may be dying, but God is trying to give you life eternal. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and you will be able to live forever. You may be dying today, but knowing Jesus is the way to life everlasting.

The Glory God Deserves

Stop and think about how stupid it is for anyone not to live life trying to please God. Yes, though Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved, the Creator made man in His image to bring pleasure to Himself. The unselfish God of love provided man a wealth of resources for his pleasure too. Saved though I may be, I still have a responsibility to please the God who created me, forgave me, and saved me from the depths of Hell when I was powerless to save myself. I hope the sinner and saint alike commit their lives to walking in the light of God's word. For living right honors God, and gives Him the glory He deserves.

You Can Be Saved!

God hates sin, but He saves the sinners who do as required and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. God will punish sinners, and they will have no chance to enter the Kingdom of God if they do not declare Jesus their King of kings and Lord of all. Eternal torment is the price for those who do not believe that Jesus is the Christ: the Son of the living God, the Way, the Truth, the Life. No excuse will be accepted. Everyone will be expected to choose to accept or reject Jesus as Savior before He returns or before we die. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. If you want to be, if you choose to be, if you do what it takes to be, you can be saved.

Give God Glory

Whether you are good or evil, whether you are dead or alive, God can make the story of your life give Him glory. The story of a holy life gives God glory because it encourages others striving to be holy to behave holy until they die. The stories of evil people give God glory too because they reveal what happens to those who do not get saved before they die. Their stories encourage sinners to repent and seek salvation through Jesus. Since you are alive, give Him glory. Let your story be seen in your daily walk. Then when you are dead, others will talk about the life you led. You will encourage many who hear your story told. Then to God goes the glory!

Get Busy

Get busy apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and all believers. For we are in the business of notifying every man, woman, boy, and girl that life in this world is not all they can expect. For there is life after death. Whether eternal life with Jesus or eternal damnation with the Evil One, everyone has a right to choose an eternal home. Jesus bids all to come home with Him, and it is our job to let them know that all who are prepared to go will be received and welcomed. The night cometh, and you know what that means. So get busy.

150,000 A Day

Although we shall win the war, 150,000 souls will die today without knowing Jesus. Although we love Him more today than yesterday, yesterday 150,000 fell before hearing the Good News that Jesus saves. Tomorrow and every day, thereafter, until our Master returns, 150,000 souls could die without knowing that Jesus died and rose again to save them from their sin. God's field is white. His harvest is ripe for picking 150,000 souls today to hear the gospel story told. Though we shall win the war, 150,000 battles must be fought every day. We must pray as we go that 150,000 more souls get to know Jesus today.


Athough the whole world is in God's hands, Jesus saves us one man, one woman at a time. So you will find it necessary to decide whether or not to abide in Him and to allow Him to abide in you. You cannot hide among a crowd, for He can hear your heart beat, loud and clear. Choose Jesus today, and He will wash your sins away. Then, when you die, you'll get eternal life. Decide.

Save Me Jesus

I've heard that Jesus loves me in spite of all I've done. And now that I lay dying, I need God's only Son more than I ever needed Him before. He alone can save me, can save my soul from Hell. I count on Him to save me. I've heard He never fails. I need Him as my Savior. I need Him as my Lamb. I need Him to accept me, to receive me as I am. I have no time for working. My night's already here. Destroy my fear as I draw near to my eternal home.

Think of Jesus

Think of Jesus when you think of me, for He and I are here together thinking of you. Where I am now, I see and know more than I ever knew before. Think of Jesus when you think of me. There is no other way for you to imagine my joy. Think of Jesus when you think of me. We are watching when tears flow from your eyes. Whether in joy or pain, your days of sunshine or days of rain, Jesus and I are both watching. So think of Jesus every time you take the time to think of me. He's made me greater now than I ever was before. I now know more than you may think I know, and I haven't missed a thing. So, think of Jesus every day that you think of me. For there is no other way for you to know my joy.

No More Needs

Take a moment to remember a few of the many times, for just a few will do, when we thought I needed something that was not possible for you to give to me. I have those needs no more. Take another moment to recall, not all, maybe two or three of the times, you strained others, so I could gain something we thought I needed. I have those needs no more. After I leave, let your mind revisit and revisit the moment you thought I needed to stay to experience a future here, but instead, I met the day of my appointed time to die. I have those needs no more. When you remember, when you recall, when you revisit thoughts about my needs, know that I have access to the storehouse of God's riches in glory, and forever and ever and ever again, indeed, I have no more needs.

Rest In Peace

I read your message on the rear window of your loved one's car - R.I.P. They want you to rest in peace. But the Prince of Peace is at war with all who refuse His call before they die. There is no peace unless the Prince of Peace abides where sin once ruled within each of our lives. For you, peace is only in knowing that your loved ones know Him too. Rest in peace? For your sake, for the sake of your loved ones, I truly hope you do.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

If Death Were All

If death were all, my lack of hope would rob me of life's daily joys. I could not cope. My thoughts would focus only on my date with Death if death were all. But Jesus came and brought me hope for life everlasting. Death's not all. I'll some day rise and live eternally.

Once I Leave

Once I leave, you will want to know more about Jesus. For wherever He is, there shall I also be. My dying here is not about me at all. It is really about how we each must answer His eternal call. You will think of me and wonder about life everlasting. Though you'll be bereaved, know that you too must some day meet the Master. Prepare your heart and be ready to depart when He calls your name. Then you with us forevermore will reign. Once I leave, you'll want to learn more about Jesus. But before I go, let me know that He has saved you from your sin. Believe me now or believe me when I go. Once I leave, you'll want to know more about Jesus.

Appreciate Jesus

Jesus is appreciated most by those of us who thought we were alone, those who thought we were holding our own until we discovered Him and learned that He was there all the time. Jesus is appreciated most by those of us who remember the fear of facing a ferocious foe, while thinking that we had to go into battle by ourselves because we simply did not know that He was there all the time. Jesus is appreciated most by those who are exiting the shadow of the Valley of Death and entering the Valley of Death, itself. For we know that as we pass, we shall find rest for our souls because Jesus is there, was there, and shall forever be there, beyond the end of time.

Waiting For Jesus

I sat all day, yesterday, waiting for Jesus. But He did not come for me. Oh we spoke extensively, until we were interrupted by the sweet new girl who now dresses and feeds me. She has yet to be corrupted and disturbed that her cheery words seemingly receive no response from me. But "thanks" are in my heart, and she has become part of the family of people for whom I pray daily. I pray my prayers and think my thoughts silently. For my body no longer lets me communicate with those left in this world, clothed in what is called, "a right mind." Here I sit and find myself every day, all day, waiting for Jesus, hoping every morning and hoping every night that "Today," might be my day. Here I sit again, just waiting for Jesus.

Come Cry With Me

Family, come cry with me. Try to help me remember that there is more in life for me to do. Remind me with your stories that my future holds no worries that my memories and my Master cannot heal. I will feel assured that love indeed does live eternally, and I will weep tears full of hope. So family, come cry both tears of sorrow and tears of joy. But remember that tomorrow, I will need the tears of hope and joy to see me through. Bring the tears you've chosen carefully, and come cry with me.

Well Done

Well done, daughter! Well done, son! The race you have run has brought Me joy and made Me proud to claim you as My Own. Cloaked in the blood of My one begotten Son, you were a sight for Me to behold. Bold and daring, you carefully and prayfully withstood the fiery darts from all sorts of enemies. Now you may rest safely in the final place of escape My Son has prepared for you. Well done, daughter! Well done, son. Welcome to your new eternal home.

What Do I Do Now?

What do I do with the blueprints we designed together to build a world of love, joy, peace, and happiness now that my loved one has died? I have tried time and time again to be strong in the Lord and to cry my last tear of sorrow. But each tomorrow I face returns me to the place where I wept the day before, remembering that you exist here no more. Missing you the way I do makes me wonder, "What do I do now?" I take the pieces of my broken heart to Jesus. I grab our blueprints up and off to Him I run. I start to build the things we'd planned to give Him glory. What I must do is weep for you as I press on and through to Jesus. I must work and build until He calls me home.

Ask For Forgiveness

All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but those of us who made Jesus Lord, will not pay the price for our sin. Jesus paid it when He died on Calvary. I was no better than you when I threw in my towel and surrendered my foul life to Jesus just as I was. Jesus saved my soul and gave me a reason to be strong enough to choose right over wrong choices. And what He did for me, He will do for you too. I asked Him to forgive me, and He did. You must ask Him to forgive you. He will because He still saves. There is no one so good that she or he is exempt from needing Jesus. There is no one so bad that Jesus will not be glad to grant him, to grant her forgveness. Jesus forgives and Jesus saves all who ask. Ask.

Do You Believe?

Do you believe with your whole heart or only in part that there is life after death? This issue will not tolerate regrets once you're dead. It demands a commitment before you exhale your last breath. Did Jesus or did He not die to save you from your sin? Will He or will He not come back again to welcome you into the place He has prepared for you? Do you or do you not expect to rise from your grave after death just like Jesus rose and left an empty tomb? Will Jesus or will He not present you to God without a spot or wrinkle? Have you or have you not agreed to be washed in the blood of God's Lamb, so you can be free from the penalty of sin when you die? To believe in part is the same as not believeing at all. You must believe with your whole heart in order to answer when Jesus calls your name to eternal life. Do you believe?


Before you die, remember those who tried to teach you right from wrong. Remember those who tried to shelter you from harm. Remember the lies you told to hide your evil ways. Remember the days you spent doing as you pleased, ignoring the pleas of those who loved you, despite the choices that you made. Remember those who'll weep for you when you are laid to your place of eternal rest. Whether yours is eternal peace or eternal hell, whether or not you know Jesus will tell where you will spend eternity. I sincerely hope that you remember to call on Jesus before you die.

Remember Jesus

Are you tired of hearing about Jesus, about His death on Calvary? Are you sick of talk of the lashes that caused His back to bleed? Do you wonder why we speak of the nails in His feet and hands? Our Lord commands that we remember how He died to make us free. And we remember, so we can thank Him for giving us life, eternally.

Little Angel

Look at this lovely, little angel lying before me, appearing dead, yet alive forevermore, living with Jesus. Look at this little angel, leading others to Jesus. The journey of this little angel was quick, to deliver a powerful message, a message sharper than any two-edged sword. The message of this little angel, lying before my eyes, let's me know that I have an omniscient, omnipresent, heavenly Father Who loves me so much, that He sent this little angel to touch my heart deeply though quickly, to remind me of an earlier message of love demonstrated on Calvary. Thank You, Lord and thank you, Little Angel.

Bruce Believed

Bruce believed the Word he heard, so he believed that he needed a Savior. Bruce believed that Jesus had made him free from the penalty of sin. He believed that if he died that he would some day rise again. Bruce believed God's Word until his glorious end. Bruce believed the Word he preached, so he believed that he'd live again. And Bruce believed every word John wrote, so he believed he'd live eternally. Bruce believed in God's holy Word and kept it hidden deep within his heart, so he departed this life knowing he'd be present with our Lord. Bruce believed the Word he heard, so he left this life with a peace that passes all understanding. He knew we'd meet again some day in our eternal home. All this and more are in God's Word. All this and more, Bruce believed.

My Greatest Witness

At first my steps got shorter, but I found a way to still be a witness for Jesus. Now I can make no steps at all. As I lay here dying, awaiting His call, I feel this is the hour of my greatest witness. I have no fear, and I fear no evil. I will with joy welcome Death as he comes to escort me to a place, designed to sting me and to deceive unbelievers. But I am a believer, and as I approach my grave, I approach the future of my greatest witness. I face death with joy. I know that God's amazing grace will raise me from the place that once had a fiery sting. And my greatest witness demonstrates my faith in the power of the blood of Jesus this very hour.

Move On

We don't live out the remainder of our days living beside the graves of those we love who have moved on before us to our eternal home. We continue the journey until we find the portal that will allow us too to join Jesus. We must move on once our loved one is gone. Move on towards more good times. Live a life of more love and more laughter and more joy. Enjoy your journey with those living still as you enjoyed the journey of your loved one to its end. Move on past your days of mourning. You will meet Jesus at your journey's end. So move on.

Eternal Worship

I have spent a lifetime singing about the God Who made me whole. Even as I lay here dying, a praise is ringing in my soul. He was present when I entered, and He's present as I go to the place He has prepared fo me to live eternally. How I welcome this transition from the things my eyes can see! I am listening to the weeping, but it does not hinder me because I want to join my Savior. I want to see Him face to face. I want to thank Him for salvation and for His amazing grace. I can love you all forever from my new eternal home where we'll one day be together once again. So keep living for my Jesus until your Christian race is done, and we'll worship Him forever in our new eternal home.

On My Way Home

Every day when I was working, I left work and I went home, sometimes tired and sometimes weary, sometimes feeling all alone. In my anguish and my languish o'er the problems of that day, I felt better as I made my way back home. Every day while I was able, I worked in the mission field. I knew that night would one day come, and I would have to go away. I can feel my time approaching. Soon Jesus will call my name. I'll be on my way to my eternal home. I'll be finished and my work here will be done.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I No Longer Want To Be Here

I no longer want to be here, so please just let me go in peace. Stop asking God to release me from my appointed time. I am dying to meet my Savior. As Death draws nearer, the voice of my Savior is clearer than I have ever heard it before. He calls to me, and I know that He's about to set my soul free forever. So rejoice with me. Your prayers are interfering with my hearing His voice. When He bids me, "Come," from all that I will leave behind, be strong. Let me leave in peace, for I no longer want to be here. I want to go.


Wait quietly by my bedside for God has a host of angels standing guard for this precious moment, the passing of my soul. Wait prayfully and do as you are told by the Spirit to minister to my needs as I leave this world behind. Wait tearfully if you must, but let your heart be full of love. For at this precious moment, love is preparing to lift me to my eternal home. Wait faithfully, and you will not weep as those who have no hope. For we know that we shall meet again one day. But until I go, wait reverently.

Eternal Rest

I desire eternal rest from the tired I feel these days. God has blessed me in this life in so very many ways. I can hardly wait to see Him in my new eternal home. How my soul longs to be with Him evermore! I have joy so deep within me. I've received blessings great and small. I have cast my cares upon the King of kings and Lord of all. He has helped me in my troubles, in my trials, and my pain. It is plain that He'll be with me evermore!

Worship Today

Today is a beautiful day! Don't speak to me of the weather, whether it is a day of sunshine or rain or even ice. It is just nice knowing that I am still here with a mind flowing with ideas about how I can give Him glory. And if I can't lift my hands, and if I can't lift my voice, and if I can't lift my eyes towards my help, my soul will yet rejoice though no sound comes from my voice. Because the God who set me free can hear my soul saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy!"

Let Me Go In Peace

If you think I want to stay here and be a burden, you are wrong. I have always been strong. I have survived a lifetime making my own decisions with the help of my Lord. I have sought His directions and accepted His corrections even under duress. He has led me through this Valley of the Shadow of Death, and when no one else could see my tears and know my fears, He was with me. And now that I am weak in my body and stronger than I've ever been in my spirit, I don't want to stay here. So please, let me go see Jesus in peace.

Dying Is Hard

I'm trying with all my might, but dying is as hard as I was told by the fearless and bold warriors I watched give up the ghost. And now, I know that they were right. While lying here suspended between two worlds: one full of evil, the other full of nothing but good, void of evil, darkness, and hate, I am forced to wait for my chariot to swing low. Then I will go join the Light of the world and reunite with the lights who have gone before me, and wait for the lights who mourn my passing now. I see your tears, but don't cry for me. I am being transformed into a creation of eternity. Not even the best memories we've shared can make me care to stay. For I have prepared to die in order to live forever wherever Jesus is. Rather than wait here with you, I will wait with Jesus for you. Those who die in Christ don't mind dying, but we do find dying hard. For all that we see, hear, and feel makes us anxious to start eternal life with Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Answer the Call

No regrets to claim. No blame to place. No forgiveness to be sown, for no wrong called this life to life eternal. This life was called by the Good Shepherd, the Great Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd. And when he heard his Master's call, he answered. We must all be prepared to do likewise and forget regrets and blame when a beloved, loved one dies.

I Am Healed

As directed, I have lived my life by faith. I don't regret that you have not yet healed me according to my will. Lord, Thy will be done. I yield my will to the will of the One Who loved me and gave Himself for me in order for me to receive my gift of life everlasting. If dying is the last thing I must do to know, even as I am also known, then my healing comes when I die and open my eyes in my eternal home. Knowing this even now, indeed, I am healed.

Fear Nothing

Run. Run until you find something else to occupy your mind. For by now, you know that running can no longer make you weary, no matter how hard you try. Walk. Walk with family. Walk with friends until you reach the end of another millenium. You will find even then that you will not faint. When a Saint learns to wait upon the Lord, his reward, her reward is renewed strength. In your eternal home, it is not hard to wait. For the presence of the Lord permeates each and every space, and you'll never walk or run alone. So mount up, my brother. Mount up, my sister. Fly. Run. Walk. Here at Home, fear nothing.

No Goodbyes

Goodbyes are for the dying. There is no such word in the eternal world of everlasting life, in the eternal world where loved ones reunite forever. Why are we trying so hard to remain here in the Land of the Dying? Our Savior and Lord, Jesus, calls us to our new eternal home. There, there are no last remains to view. There are no bodies to be lowered into tombs. There are no tears to be shed by those who knew and loved the dearly departed. For him, for her, life has just started and they have no more need for, neither can conceive of a word that conveys, "Goodbye." Why? Because "Goodbyes" are for the dying to mark their endings. New beginnings will abound for those who die in Christ. Only all that brings joy will surround those who will have eternal life. Forever has no measure for "Goodbye."

All You Need

Though I did not plan to die this way, I did make plans to die. That is why I lived my life with gusto. Please know that the number of my days were enough. Remember that, as you live life beyond this tough moment in time. Remember that I laughed heartily. Remember that part of me as you mourn, so you won't grieve too long. You helped me fill my life with love and joy. Until we meet again, plan to live each day completely. Whatever the number of your days, they too will be all you need.

My Altar

Don't stand too close while you're laughing, for I have built the Lord an altar near my bed, and only those who are led by the Spirit should approach as the final grains of sand mark the days of my life. For the time of my departure is at hand, and God is present listening to my prayers and to the prayers of those intervening for me. I have no more time for the folly we once shared, folly that seemed to bind our hearts and minds and synchronize our souls. For He Who said, "All souls are mine," is present to bind my soul forever with His and to take me away, and I want to go in peace. So don't stand too close to my altar if you have no prayer to offer the God I am about to meet.

Who Is This Jesus?

Who is this Jesus Who casts out fear of Death, Who causes believers to let Death enter the welcome center of their flesh? Who is this Jesus, Who in the end is known by all, Who stands ready to save those who call on His name? Who is this Jesus Whose message seems so clear to so many, yet I seem to only have so many questions about the lessons He taught although I too, desperately want to be saved? Tell me, Christian, believer, Who is this Jesus? Tell me, for now I am ready to listen.

Do You Know Jesus?

Be sure you meet Jesus before you meet with Death. Your answer will make a difference when the question is asked, "Do you know Jesus?" Your knees will one day kneel in obeisance whether you tell them to or not. Your tongue will declare that He is Lord. Your mind will recall the many times He called your name. Did you answer Him? Did He claim you as His own? Do you or do you not know Jesus? Answer me before you close your eyes and die. He can save your soul. He's the only way to receive eternal life. Do you know Jesus, the precious Lamb of God.

No Words Exist

No words exist that explain how I am able to resist staying when I know that you do not want me to go. Your tears are full of love and you cannot understand how a God of love can demand that I leave you now. Though I'll gladly pay my vow in exchange for the glimpse I see, I have no words to describe Eternity.